Ph.D. in Philosophy, Chinese Culture University and Ministry of Education
Professor, Department of Environmental and Cultural Resources, National Hsinchu University of Education
Director, Department of Primary Education, National Hsinchu Teachers College
Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Chinese Culture University
I take a great interests in Indian Buddhism, Wei-Jin Philosophy and Chinese Buddhism..I Research into the Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Chan School at the present time.
The Great Philosopher(trans.), Taipei: Hsinwenfeng Press, 1982
A Study of Zhi Daolin's Thought, Taipei : Taiwan Commercial Press, 1982
A Study of Zhu Daosheng's Thought, Taipei : Taiwan Commercial Press, 1984
A Study of Seng Zhao's Thought, Taipei : Wen shi zhe Press, 1985
Philosophy of Education(trans.), Taipei: Shihdashuyuan Press, 1989
Philosophical Anthropology(trans.), Taipei: Chuliu Press, 1990
A Study of Dao An's Thought, Taipei : Wenchin Press, 1992
The Logic of Education(trans.), Taipei: Wunan Press, 1994
History of Chinese Philosophy, Chungli : Yuan Kuang Buddhist Publishing Company, 1996
Philosophy of Wei and Jin Dynasties, Taipei : Wunan Press, 1996
A Study of Lushan Hui Yuan's Thought, Taipei : Yuan Ming Press, 1996
Buddhism and Life, Taipei : Wunan Press, 1999
Introduction to the Huayan School of Chinese Buddhism, Taipei : Dongda Press, 2000
Introduction to the Tiantai School of Chinese Buddhism, Taipei : Wenchin Press, 2005
Buddhist Philosophy, Taipei : Wunan Press, 2006
Introduction to Buddhism, Taipei : National Open University Press, 2007
Buddhism and Life, Taipei : National Open University Press, 2011
Introduction to Philosophy(trans.), Taipei: Chuliu Press, 2011
Philosophy of Chan Buddhism, Taipei : Taiwan Commercial Press, 2013
Journal Papers
- “On Zhi Daolin's Life and the Origins of his Thought”, Chinese Buddhism Monthly, Vol.24, No.6, pp.25-27
- 民國69年6月,〈玄學思想與般若思想之交融〉,國立編譯館館刊第9卷第1期,頁109-116。
- 民國69年10月,〈支道林思想之研究〉,華岡佛學學報第4期,頁245-273。
- “A Study of Zhi Daolin's Thought”, Huakang Buddhist Journal, No.5, pp. 357-375
- “On the Theoretical Basis of Zhu Daosheng's Thought”, Huakang Buddhist Journal, No.5, pp. 357-375
- 民國71年2月,〈道生大師之實相觀〉,中國佛教第26卷第5期,頁24-27。
- 民國71年12月,〈竺道生思想概述〉,華學月刊第132期,頁1-5。
- “The Characteristics and Values of Zhu Daosheng's Thought”, Journal of the National Museum of Compilation and Translation, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 65-85
- 民國72年7月,〈竺道生思想之理論特色及其價值意義〉,華岡佛學學報第6期,頁377-415。
- “Wei-Jin ‘Qingtan’(‘Pure Conversation’) and Buddhist Theory”, Huakang Buddhism, Journal, No.7, pp. 287-299
- “A Study of Seng Zhao's Metaphysical Thought”, Ta Hsia Journal, No.2, pp. 133-141
- 民國74年4月,〈實現潛能的新途徑〉(譯)。國教世紀第23卷5期,頁32–35。
- “The Characteristics of Seng Zhao's Thought”, Lion's Roar Monthly, Vol.24, No.6, pp. 24-31
- “The Basis of Seng Zhao's Thought”, Huakang Buddhist Journal, No.8, pp. 311-358
- “The Value of Seng Zhao's Thought”, Journal of the National Museum of Compilation and Translation, Vol.14, No.2, pp. 81-96
- “Background and Origin of Seng Zhao's Thought”, Chinese Buddhist Journal, No.1, pp. 81-102
- “Phenomenological View of Education”, The Journal of Elementary Education, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 69-81
- “Education Philosophy of Existentialism”, The Journal of Hsinchu Teachers College, No.1, pp. 69-81
- 民國76年12月,〈現象學的教育觀〉,國教世紀第23卷第3期,頁41-45。
- 民國77年1月,〈教育哲學探微〉(譯),中國文化月刊第99期,頁95–105。
- 民國77年8月,〈教育哲學的展望〉(譯),國教世紀第24卷1期,頁21–23。
- “A Study of Qi Song's Thought”, Chinese Buddhist Journal, No.2, pp. 213-240
- 民國77年12月,〈教學與教育〉(譯),國教世紀第24卷3期,頁8–16。
- “Analytic Philosophy and Education”, The Journal of Hsinchu Teachers College, No.2, pp. 109-136
- 民國78年6月,〈知識與課程〉(譯),國教世紀第24卷6期,頁22–31。
- “A Study of Seng Rui's Thought”, Chinese Buddhist Journal, No.3, pp. 237-260
- 民國80年4月,〈從智圓思想看佛法與儒學之交涉〉,印順導師八秩晉六壽慶文集,頁237-254。
- “Analysis of Dao An's Thought”, Chinese Buddhist Journal, No.4, pp. 235-285
- “Background of Dao An's Thought”, Lion's Roar Monthly, Vol.30, No.11, pp. 3-8
- “A Study of Kumarajiva's Thought”, Journal of the National Museum of Compilation and Translation,Vol.21, No.1, pp. 13-40
- 民國83年4月,〈《肇論》導讀〉,哲學與文化月刊第24卷第4期,頁375-378。
- “Analysis of Lushan Hui Yuan's Thought”, Journal of the National Museum of Compilation and Translation, Vol.24, No.2, pp. 141-167
- “On the Modern Philosophy of Life”, Huafan Journal, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 33-44
- 民國86年6月,〈從《易經》看中國上古社會生活〉,國教世紀第176期,頁15-18 。
- 民國86年10月,〈《華嚴經》導讀〉,哲學與文化月刊第24卷第10期,頁990-993。
- “Logical Positivism and it's Pedagogical Significance”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No.1, pp. 18-42
- 民國88年4月,〈中西教育價值論─一個歷史的考察〉,國教世紀第185期,頁17-22。
- “On the Traditional Chinese Philosophical Concepts of ‘Man’”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No.2, pp. 25-54
- “The Development of Buddhist Thought During the Wei and Jin Dynasties”, Chinese Buddhist Journal, No.13., pp. 393-417
- “Zhuxi's Education of Personality”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No.3, pp. 13-24
- 民國90年2月,〈宋儒張載的人格教育〉,國教世紀第194期,頁13-18。
- 民國90年3月,〈中國傳統佛學有關「人」的義蘊〉,應用心理研究第9期,頁137-156。
- “The Cheng Brother's Theory of Personality Education”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No.4, pp. 15-33
- 民國90年12月,〈王陽明的人格教育思想〉,空中大學共同科學報第三期,頁51-72 。
- 民國91年6月,〈中國教育倫理思想之開展〉,新竹師範學院社會科教育學報第五期,頁23-45。
- 民國92年2月,〈周敦頤的人格教育思想〉 ,國教世紀第204期,頁5-12。
- “On the Concept of ‘Observing the Mind’ in the Tiantai School of Chinese Buddhism”, Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Vol.30,No.7, pp. 17-31
- “Lu Xiangshan on Personality Education”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No. 6, pp. 111-132
- 民國92年7月,〈從佛學與儒學的交涉看中華傳統文化的重建─以孝道為考察點〉,輔仁大學哲學論集第36期,頁133-168。
- “Lu Zuqian on Personality Education”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No. 7, pp. 1-19
- 民國93年7月,〈《哲學概論》(一)〉Nicolai Hartmann著,根瑟‧馬庫斯、劉貴傑合譯,新竹師院社會教育學報第七期,頁159-180。
- 民國94年2月,〈社會變遷中的應用倫理〉, 國教世紀第214期,頁5-12。
- “On the Pedagogical Significance of Hermeneutics”, Journal of Hsinchu Teachers Social Studies Education, No.8, pp. 1-27
- 民國94年8月,〈《哲學概論》(二)〉 Nicolai Hartmann 著,根瑟‧馬庫斯、劉貴傑合譯,新竹教育大學區域人文社會學報第八期,頁203 - 221。
- “On the Synthesis of Huayan Thought and Pure Land Practice by Early Qing Dynasty Buddhist Scholars”, Chinese Buddhist Journal, No. 20, pp. 227-250
- 民國96年12月,〈有關南朝的佛學〉,空大學訊第390期,頁41-47。
- 民國96年12月,〈從達摩到弘忍的禪學思想〉,空大學訊第390期,頁48-56。
- 民國97年1月,〈關於神秀的禪學思想〉,空大學訊第391期,頁25-32。
- “Huayan Thought in the Chan Method of the Caodong-School During the Song and Yuan Dynasties”, Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 3-21
- “On the Huayan Thought in the Chan Method of the Caodong-School During the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties”, New Century Religious Study, Vol.8, No. 4, pp. 1-28
- “The Characteristics of Mind-only Thought in Huayan Philosophy”, Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 3-21
- “The Concept of One Mind in Tiantai Philosophy”, Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 15-33
- 民國102年2月,〈善導大師的生平著述及其影響〉,慈雲雜誌,第41卷第8期,頁28–33。
- 民國102年2月,〈善導大師的念佛思想〉,慈雲雜誌,第41卷第9期,頁30–36。
- “A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Yangqi Lineage of the Linji Chan School During the Song and Yuan Dynasties ”, Journal Of Huayan Buddhism, No. 6, pp.77-116
- “A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Yunmen Lineage of the Chan School ”, Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies, No. 24, pp.95-127
- “A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Songyuan Branch of the Yangqi Lineage of the Linji Chan School”, Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies, No. 25, pp.57-89
Conference Papers
- “The Characteristics of Early Chinese Buddhist Education”, International Conference on Buddhist Education, Taipei, July 16, 1992
- 民國83年7月16-19日,〈宋儒胡瑗的教育思想〉,佛教教育研討會,華梵佛學研究所。
- 民國85年7月20-23日,〈試論朱子人格教育〉,佛教教育研討會,華梵佛學研究所。
- “On Humanistic Ideas in Traditional Chinese Philosophy”, Symposium of Social Studies Education Department, Hsinchu, January 9, 1997
- 民國90年6月14日,〈胡塞爾的現象學及其在社會科學的發展〉,新竹師院社教系學術研討會,新竹師範學院社教系。
- “On the Ontology and Approach to Practice in Chinese Mahayana Thought”, Conference on Nation, Religion, Philosophy and World Peace, Taipei, August 22-23, 2002
- 民國95年7月12-13日,〈清初華嚴念佛思想〉,第四屆哲學研討會。
- “A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of theYangqi Lineage of the Linji Chan School During the Song and Yuan Dynasties”, the 4th International Conference on Huayan, National Chengchi Unuversity, Taiwan, July 13-14, 2013
SUBJECT:Introduction to Buddhism